DH94 Moth Minor Part 3 - review of Red Roo/ Planet Models 1/48 scale multi-media kit RRK48006 plus additional info

by Steve Mackenzie

This multimedia kit originally originated from Planet Models (who are part of the CMK, a Special Hobbies offshoot) from the Czech Republic. It features resin, white metal, and photo-etch parts, decals and a full colour 18 page instruction booklet. The kit decals provide markings for seven Moth Minors flown by the RAAF during WWII in a variety of camouflage schemes. Red Roo release this local version, originating their own instructions, decals and boxes. Price from the Red Roo website (https://www.redroomodels.com) is A$70.00 plus shipping.

The resin moulded contents of the box.

The kit consists of 30 parts in grey coloured resin, two parts in clear resin, four salmon coloured 3d printed resin parts, two parts in white metal, seven photo-etched parts on one fret, decals for seven marking options. Images of the 3D printed, white metal, clear and photoetched parts are below. The instructions are very comprehensive in the usual Red Roo style and the parts should assemble with no difficulty at all. No cleanup is required on the main fuselage, wings etc parts, as they come detached from pouring blocks, the detail parts will require detachment and cleanup as usual with Resin kits.

There are decals (which were apparently printed by Eduard) for seven (7) schemes, I will go thru each one in turn giving photos and profiles for info (note there are also reference images in the instruction pages).

1. A21-7 as photographed while at 23 Sqn in 1942. According to a post by Ed Russell on Britmodeller, it has been confirmed by the photographer that the apparent stripes on the fuselage is just shadows cast by the tree. The Roo could be either Black or Red, however both Red Roo and myself (when I did my profile 20 years ago) have gone for Red.

A21-7 while with 23 Sqn. I have interpreted the scheme as overall Aluminium (due to it's lightness in the photo), Red Roo went for Yellow. so the modeller has to make their choice. Black serials and Red Roo. Pre-war Red/White/ Blue roundels in six positions.

1. A21-8 as photographed while at 83 Sqn, Strathpine Sep 43.

A21-8 while with 83 Sqn. Foliage Green/ Earth Brown/ Sky Blue camouflage. Light Grey serials and wartime White/ Blue roundels in six positions plus fin flashes. Aluminium tip to spinner per Red Roo (my interpretation 20 years ago was White). I have included the upper camo view from the instructions as this was something I was not able to ascertain 20 years ago. These profiles copyright Red Roo.

1. A21-9 as photographed while at 25 Sqn 1940.

A21-9 while with 25 Sqn. The scheme as overall Yellow. Black serials and Red/White/ Blue roundels in six positions. Aluminium tip to spinner. The stardboard profile is copyright Red Roo. Note slighty different interpretation of roundel colours and a few small extra details.

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